Spring Time

Fabrics Available at Jessie Lauren

I love nothing more than approaching Spring and giving my home a revamp, its always the time that my home has a complete spring clean, cupboards get sorted, quilts dry cleaned, throws packed away ready for next winter and the best part is sorting my Summer wardrobe ready for some much needed new Summer clothes. I always get so much more motivated to start walking in the mornings or perhaps its the fear of summer clothing on a body that has enjoyed way to much comfort food this winter!!! Yep the diet has started :-(

Every Spring I like to freshen up old cushions with a complete revamp of new Summer colours and with fabulous fabrics available for everyone, what better time than now. Spring is the perfect time to have high tea parties with friends, fabulous lunches with the most beautiful plates, glasses and napkins.

I love using potted hydrangea's in my home and thank goodness they are back in season like so many other beautiful flowers. 

What does Spring mean to you?