It has been a while since I last made a patchwork quilt. All summer long I hardly paid any attention to my good old trusty Husqvarna sewing machine. But now I feel a definite longing for some quality time, in lonesome solitude, in my little studio along with the aforementioned trusty one.
There is only a slight catch... I have hardly any fabric to work with. For the longest time I have been intentionally working through my fabric stash, and hardly having bought any new at all. Apart from these, of course.
Truth be told, I am in fact most fond of scrap quilts. Where old pieces of clothing and other snippets of fabric, with a few pretties thrown in for good measure, end up in one charming quilt. Nothing too planned or too studied. These kind of quilts appeal to me the most.
So here is me hoping that I can stretch this little collection of left overs, vintage fabrics, old shirts and summer skirts into yet another scrap quilt. The last one I made has become a firm favourite.
Now that I have nearly convinced you lot (not to mention myself!) that this is indeed quite possible I am off to my little cubby house to start cutting into this lot. And I do have an idea how I hope the end result will look like. I shall keep you posted!