I have ever so many projects on the go... so many WIP´s to finish. So the obvious solution to my predicament is of course to start yet another one! And not just any old project, but yet another knitted cushion.

Maybe it is the cold dark season we are in, but there surely is nothing quite as pleasing as running warm soft yarn through ones fingers, while one knits something cosy and comforting. Of course one can always argue that there is only so much comfort to be had in a knitted cushion...
But then surely you have never tried to knit one in the lovely soft "Kashmir alpakka"-yarn from Sandnes Garn. This time I have chosen to change my design a bit. For one I am using knitting needles size 5,5. The cables are knitted out if 6 stitches, with 3 purl stitches in between.
Every now and then I am drawn to grey, and on this grey winter´s day I am loving this grey wool. Tomorrow I might go for orange (as if!) but today grey comforting wool it is. And eventually I will have yet another knitted cushion to add to my collection!