There are new kids on our block... or rather two new roosters. Such handsome fellows. They have replaced "the fierce one", who was getting far too protective of the hens for his own good.
So the poor bugger ended in the pot, while these two brothers have taken his place. Now these new kids are of a gentle nature, a joy to have around, yet just as popular with the ladies, as the "fierce one" was.
Our winter so far has been a very mild one, with only the odd snowfall, that seems to disappear within a day or two. I do not mind, and neither do our feathery friends.
Usually they are incarcerated in the henhouse all winter long, not being able to set foot outdoors for months on end, due to all the snow (that they do not appreciate).
Not so this year. And they sure are making the most of it, spending every daylight hour outdoors, roaming the grounds, where they are able to scratch the ground to find the odd treasure, and some (not so) green grass.