Coffee break

The fact that I am a tea drinker is well documented here in my blog. While the fact that on most days I enjoy an afternoon coffee break is not (not that it is such an earth shattering piece of news that it deserves documentation as such. But then again none of the stuff in my blog is...)

Nonetheless, I do enjoy a cup of coffee, usually accompanied by a sweet something. But since this is a bright new year, and really the time for various resolutions (quitting sweet stuff being one...) I have enjoyed my cup of coffee today without any such guilty pleasures. And plan to do so way into this new year.

Since I have no sweets to go with my coffee, I take sweet pleasure in the colourful stuff around me instead. It has, in fact, become quite a habit for me to start the new year colourfully. This new year being no exception.

I plan to continue the colourful start way into this new year too. Plans for new projects are under way... soon to be documented here. I do love a new year... a new start, don´t you? Have you made any new plans or resolutions?