Well into October it is obvious that autumn really is here. Even though the day today was a sunny one, the wind was anything but warm. I have been working in my little studio today, but after a few hours I was chilled to the bone (note to self: turn on the heating).
So I came back into the house, lit the fire, and brewed myself a cup of tea. I am a tea lover, and drink tea first thing in the morning. Followed by several cups throughout the day. Always black tea, drunk with a dash of milk.
But today I tried something different. Herb tea. And not just any herb tea, but Pukka tea. Now there is hardly a kitchen in the whole of blogosphere that does not feature this pretty packaging, including mine. But today was the first time I actually drank it. And I can assure you it will not be the last.
What kind of tea is your favourite...?