It is part of our family folklore that you can give Sue a patch of grass, anywhere in the world, and she will find a four leaf clover in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. She doesn't believe that they are lucky, but has always liked the challenge of finding something that is meant to be quite rare (apparently there are roughly 10,000 three leaf clovers for every 1 four leaf clover). Joy and I have both found a few four leaf clovers over the years, but we certainly haven't inherited Mum's talent for identifying them quite so quickly. However, my eldest daughter, Hannah, is the member of the family that seems to have received the FLC gene. She went into our garden the other day, and after barely two minutes came back clutching her find of no less than 12 four leaf clovers! She went out again yesterday and quickly found another 9 in a different spot, plus a couple of ones with five leaves. Not a bad little haul don't you think? Apparently, four leaf clovers are the result of a mutant gene in the clover plant and so once you find one you are likely to find another few in the same location. Why not go out and look and report back with your tally....!