This year I thought I would be prepared. Two years ago I collected some green moss in early November for my Christmas decorations, while last year winter set in unseasonably early, leaving me no choice but to buy imported green moss from Denmark. Quite embarrassing really since green moss is plentiful in the woods just behind our house!

Even though I so far have refused to think about Christmas just yet, it does not hurt to be prepared, right...? So in the lovely sunny afternoon sun (the first we have seen of the said sun this November) I took a little stroll, basket under my arm, into the woods. The mild weather was just about as far removed from any nostalgic idea of a white Christmas as can be, yet I could not help but start thinking a little bit about the coming festive season.

Yesterday I bought the first hyacinth bulbs. Now for us in Scandinavia hyacinth really is a Christmas flower, and not a spring bulb, like in many other countries. Hyacinths also happen to be my very favourite Christmas flower (along with amaryllis). So with the hyacinths and the green moss I think it is safe to say that I have indeed started some tentative Holiday planning.

This year I am thinking rustic. I do not usually go to great lengths to decorate for Christmas. For me the most important thing is the tree (no Christmas without one), together with flowers and candles. Of course it is still early days, and things are subject to change...
Have you started planning your Christmas decorations?