When in Paris it really is impossible not to make a stop at Galeries Lafayette, all decked out in her Christmas finery. Quite impressive, quite festive.
When in Paris you really have to have some chocolate... And of course we could not resist all the pretty packaging, with all the sweet stuff. A few treats to our friend and family, and some for ourselves for Christmas.
When in Paris you really have to have some macarons, and we could not leave the place without bringing some home with us. Macarons seem to be the rage in Bloglandia, and now I know why.
No Paris without lovely lotions and potions. I am partial to L´Occitane products, and even though they are widely available all over the world it still was tempting to bring some home from Paris. Also, I found a new perfume to love, Diamonds by Armani (Italian, I know...)
My love of books is not exactly a well hidden secret, and yet again I found it hard to resist a lovely French decorating book by Michéle Lalande. The French do it just so well, don´t they?
I have several books by the same author, and even though most of them are in French, I do enjoy the lovely photographs (even though most of the time the writing is incomprehensible).
So where did we stay in Paris, you might wonder? I can heartily recommend this little boutique hotel nearby the Opera. Most of the delectable shops and sights are within walking distance from this hotel. And we did walk...

We stayed on the top floor, in an attic room. It was indeed a lovely room to return to after a log day out and about the streets of Paris. And more often than not, we indulged in a lovely restorative bath before re-venturing the streets of Paris.
But one of the best things about this lovely room was the little balcony and the view of the rooftops of Paris, basking in the morning sun. I do hope to return, both to Paris and to this delightful hotel, one day.
Meanwhile, I do want to remind you of the Basnes Christmas Fair, starting as of tomorrow.