Things tend to move forward slowly for me, it seems. Craft wise, I mean. I am always eager to start a new project, often forgetting that I already have several others on the go. But the temptation to start a new one is hard to resist, and more often than not I give in.

As has been the case with my latest crochet. I started it a while back, but lost interest, and left it lying in the basket with the wool. Until the other day, that is, when I once again picked it up and set to work, quite liking what I saw (if I may say so).
Something else (without any comparison) I found lying about the other day, when I emptied the compost bin, were these bulbs. There, under layers of composted garden debris, I discovered them. I have no idea what kind of bulbs they are. And how they ended up in the compost bin is anybody´s guess...
As for my crochet, it is about to come to another halt, as I am running out of wool. Something that was bound to happen, I guess, since I initially started it with wool left over from other projects. But there never is enough left over wool, is there? Not even for a cushion cover...